Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22, 2018

Yo yo yo, week 2 down with the elder jensen and all is super alright. We walked a ton this week, and I had officially worn my shoe soles down to the plastic, which made my feet start to bleed, but we still pressed forward in faith and things are going incredible now. Sadly, I fell asleep this afternoon after shopping, and had not the chance to make a voice recording. I am just so beat from all the work we're getting done. 

So on Tuesday we were walking down the street and we were starving, like I was about to cry because I wanted some good old coca cola, but we didn't leave the house with enough money, and we live WAYYYYYYYYYY too far from the house to go back, so we just kept walking. As we're standing on this corner making a call, a guy walks up to us and says, "you look hungry. How about you come over to my house for some papa rellena and some COCACOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" so I said sure. The dude was chill, but when we started to teach he stopped us and said, "naw fam, come over on sunday when my family is here" so we did and he introduced us to his 3 kids, and 7 of their grandchildren, and we shared the message of the plan of salvation, and they loved it. 

We also saw the book of mormon work a miracle in this one lady´s life as she was looking for the answer to a very hard problem, and found that she needed to just stand still, and within 5 minutes, the problem was solved. It was amazing. 

We're also seeing some miracles in the spanish of my companion. He has no spanish experience before the mission, and I have seen a big improvement in his spanish in just this week alone. That probably has to do with the fact that I can explain how and when to use certain tenses and words to him in english. But a huge part is how diligent he is. 

This week ahead should be even better than the last, as we have an extreme amount of new people to teach, who all seem pretty interested. Except for the granddaughter to a catholic dude who was afraid for us to come by and teach her because her catholic grandad is a hard man.  But I said, "better yet, invite the dude over for the lesson" so we taught him slowly and patiently and he seems a lot chiller now. My comp was super scared to teach the dude at first though, but we're all good here. 

So that was my week in this very very small and hot branch, but It's great. ​

I am so sorry for everyone that likes to keep up with Elder Beech and his missionary experiences.  Lately, he has been sending voice memos instead of letters, so it's a little more difficult for me to compose exactly what he wants to share.  Elder Beech completed his time in Cuenca, and is now back in Guayaquil.  He had some good and some hard experiences in Cuenca, but a highlight for him was the baptism of a sweet sister named Kelly.  He loved sharing the gospel with her, and being a part of her conversion story. Elder Beech spent Thanksgiving and Christmas in Cuenca, and enjoyed some really amazing meals provided by the very sweet and generous members in that area.  He also got to meet Elder Alonso from the Quorum of the Seventy at a Stake Conference in Cuenca.  I will add a lot of pictures for you and try to do better from now on!

This is from his latest letter!

One week down with Elder Jenson from San Antonio, and all is well. It`s awesome working here with Elder Jenson. We're in a very small branch but that's mostly becuase the area has been shut down for a long time. I also live with the assistants, and they`re cool. I got to hit up the old Huancavilca stake this week, helping with an activity, but I wasn't able to get to Perimetral. Maybe next time. 

All is chill out here with me, chilling in El Guasmo, getting burnt and finding dudes to teach. In fact, we taught a dude from new york who dosn't know spanish, so that was awesome. Also have had the chance to teach great lessons. In fact, we may have 2 baptisms this weekend, and that should be cool. 

Well, I hope all is well, I'll see you soon.

Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30

Yeah this week was long. We didn't have very much success. We didn't have any success. We had the opposite of success. It's very frustrating, and I cannot understand why. It will be better this week, I know it. 

Jose has P4 which means he's done some very very bad things in the past. Kelly and Jarvis are okay, but Kelly had surgery this week. So she's been stuck at home. And the Bishop wants that we give them to the Sister missionaries along with Sister Grace. That would be all of our baptismal dates, and the rest we have given to the SIsters already. 

So that's my week in very few words. Hopefully this week we'll have some miricles or something good to report. ​

October 23

This week was a real boring week to be honest. There's not really much to say, other than Jose ran into some anti-mormon doctrine, and Kelly and Jarvis are still progressing super well, but are having some trouble understanding some points of doctrine. Everything is going pretty well. My comp and I are learning a lot together. 

We're going to Guayaquil this week for training from Elder Falabella and that should be fun. 

that's all I've got, sorry for the lame letter this week. 
-Élder Beech

October 17

well, It's been a week. I spent all day yesterday traveling to drop off a sister missionary in Guayaquil. We also had a busy week in our sector, as we were preparing everything so that two sister missionaries could come in and help out with the work. What a busy job that is. 

We also had a bad expirience with a dog who attacked my companion and almost fought a dude who wants me to leave his country and stop stealing from his people. It was super sad. 

Other than that, our investigators are progressing very well. Kelly and Jarvis are reading the book of mormon and praying a lot. i really hope they'll be baptized soon. It's also been raining a lot and I've been sick all week still, but it's all chill. 

Jose didn't come to church again, and I don't know why. He was doing so well. 

Thanks for your letters and your help. 

See you next week! ​

October 9

Hey real quick this has been a super crazy week. There were transfers today. elder Picón went to Guayaquil. Now I'm companions with elder alvarado from Perú. He's chill. Not much interesting happened this week. It rained all week, and we should have a baptism this week, I hope. 

sorry for the lame e-mail, but it's all i've got. 
-Élder Beech

October 2

This week was a good week. It was very busy and very uplifting. President has given us a challenge that will carry us into June to read the Book of Mormon each day as companions and study the assigned chapters. It's been good so far and will be better as we go along. 

I burned my hand real bad this week. 

and a picture of (almost) my entire zone. 
-Élder Beech